The Hidden Costs of Your Employee’s Annual Leave

The Hidden Costs of Your Employee’s Annual Leave

(And three steps you can take right now to protect yourself against them) - by Fiona Harnett When times are uncertain employees often ‘bank’ their annual leave.  As you will know, they do this as it gives them a financial buffer should they lose their job: several...
Strategic Planning in a Covid World

Strategic Planning in a Covid World

With New Zealand in another round of lockdowns strategic planning for the future might seem like an impossible task.  You might think your chances of picking the winning Lotto Powerball numbers on a Saturday night are greater than being able to predict the future. ...
Actionable Insights To Drive Revenue

Actionable Insights To Drive Revenue

How Actionable Insights can Drive Revenue and Help Businesses   In a 2017 report Forrester found Insight Driven Businesses were growing 8 times faster than global GDP.  In today’s tough and unpredictable climate using actionable insight to drive your business...
CFO Services Firms

CFO Services Firms

Outsourced CFO Services Firms – What Do They Do?   Often people think of a Chief Financial Officer [CFO] as someone working at an executive level in a large corporate or government entity.  But outsourced CFO Services Firms can offer a lot to small and medium size...